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6 Types Of People You HATE To Watch Sports With

The Super Bowl is around the corner, and that means lots of people are looking to hit the bars or getting together with friends to watch the game at home. Be wary though, there are plenty of people out there who can ruin the experience for everyone.

6 Types Of People You HATE To Watch Sports With

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I've watched a lot of sports in my lifetime. I've also watched them in a lot of different places with a lot of different people. That being said, there are plenty of respectable, everyday people who act like complete fools when it comes to sports, especially when their hometown team is involved. That being said, here are a few types of people you probably want to try and avoid this Super Bowl Sunday.

1. The person who gets way too drunk 

There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks during the game. Beer and sports have become nearly inseparable in the American psyche. However, there is a big difference between getting a good buzz and being absolutely obliterated. As Bill Simmons always says, "No one wants to be that guy who gets so drunk and ruins it for everyone." If you wake up the next morning and can't remember who won the game, maybe you had a bit too much to drink.

2. The person who always wants to gamble

As someone who no longer has an NFL team in their hometown (thanks Stan), I can understand the desire to add a little more action to the game. That's a big pull for fantasy football. You suddenly find yourself interested in NFL games, teams and players that you would have never usually cared about just because they might determine the fate of your team that week. And then when the fantasy football season ends after Week 16 there's really only the playoffs left to bet on. It's nice to be able to bet online or play some daily/weekly fantasy sports but there's nothing like betting with friends. That being said, if you're trying to bet me something every 10 minutes on something like "I'll bet you $10 he run for 15 yards" I'm going to get quickly annoyed.

3. The person who asks too many questions

The Super Bowl is by and large the most popular sporting event in America. So much so that even the commercials and halftime show have created their own subset of viewers. Chances are, there will be someone at your watch party or group hitting the bars that doesn't watch football very often. So the onus is on this type of person to know when to ask questions responsibly. It's difficult to pay attention to the game while at the same time explaining it's minutia. Football is not a terribly complicated sport and color commentary nowadays has become much more advanced in recent years. Not to say that no one can ask any questions, but as before be considerate of those around you.

4. The person who yells after every play

One of the best parts about sports is how passionate fans get about their teams. And emotions are never higher when a championship is on the line. That being said, there's always someone who goes just a bit too far. The person who gets way too drunk and the person who yells after every play are often the same. These kinds of people are not only disruptive to the people in your group but your immediate surroundings as well. I understand getting excited about big plays but if you stand up and yell after a five-yard pass we're going to have a problem.

5. The person who's on their phone the whole game

Talk about a stereotypical millennial move. Especially with the Super Bowl coming up, space is usually at a premium especially if you're watching at a restaurant or bar. So why for the love of all that is good would you waste a spot if you're not going to watch the game? The same goes for spots if you're going to be at a house or apartment. Obviously couch space is more valuable than island space , so if you're not going to pay attention to the game you might as well try and sit somewhere as far away from the TV as possible.

6. The person who would have gone pro if it wasn't for their bum knee

These kinds of people are former athletes are usually the most critical of the athletes despite being some of the most conditioned people in the world and the top one percent of the one percent in their profession. You'll hear some classic lines like "I would have made that catch," "why did he run the ball that way" and the classic "I could have played longer if it wasn't for my injury." These people really never developed past their high school athletic career which can make for some limited and frankly annoying conversation.

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