College is an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. But let’s be real, college isn’t always flowers and daisies. With exams back-to-back, homework assignments piling up, and drama among friends, our lives become even more stressful with these five types of annoying people.
1. The chit-chatters in the library
Did you see the “quiet zone” sign in the corner? Did you see the poor student trying to dish out her essay due in approximately one hour? If you didn't, well start paying attention. We all came to the library for the purpose of studying and obtaining that 4.0 GPA, not to hear you yap away about what you ate for lunch.
2. The laundry machine hoarders
Stop. Hoarding. The. Laundry. Machines. Set a timer for yourself so you know when to pick up your laundry. It’s not that hard.
3. The slow walkers
Having to share a bathroom with all of your hallmates is already a struggle. Please, if you make a mess in the bathroom, clean after yourselves. AKA don’t leave your hair in the shower stalls!