7. Petty people who think social media is an appropriate platform for drama and confrontation | The Odyssey Online
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9 Questionable People You Will Undoubtedly Meet In College

Moral of the story: maybe don't explore these personas? Or do—whatever floats your boat.

9 Questionable People You Will Undoubtedly Meet In College
Isabelle Roshko

College is a totally strange assortment of people from all walks of life.

As it has been dubbed the "time for exploration," many people do quite a bit of exploring. One thing I've found amongst all the exploration, is that some individuals find themselves caught in questionable personas.

Some are just strange, others could be considered unpleasant. Regardless, I give to you 9 questionable people you will undoubtedly meet in college.

1. The girl who acts like she has your best interest at heart, only to turn on you the second something doesn’t go her way

I really thought catty drama would disappear once I turned 20 years old—apparently not. This girl could also be categorized as "The girl everyone told you to stay away from, but she she always seemed 'so nice' to you"—you were wrong.

2. The TA who is very obviously high as the moon each session

Your major doesn't matter for this one. Regardless of whether its humanities, sciences, art, the TA doesn't discriminate. I guess it's a good way to cope with 20 blank faces staring at you for an hour, right? For the students, it's not ideal.

3. Dudes who can’t take a hint

I was talking to my girlfriends about this the other day: if I haven't responded to, like, 15 of your texts and an unlimited number of snapchats, do you seriously still think I'm down? I suppose shootin-yer-shot is better than not trying at all…

4. People who hate you because they like your hookup/bae

College is a really weird place where you're undoubtedly going to wind up spit sisters or the like with people you know. I'm sorry my boyfriend/girlfriend/lover doesn't have the hots for you—not my fault.

5. People who hate you because of past hookups

Again, a lot of jealousy and hormones don't make a peaceful concoction. I promise you I'm not trying to steal your man.

6. The girl who pretends to be your friend with the clear intention of using you to get close to one of your friends

If you want dirt on someone, what better way than to finagle your way into their best friend's heart? Even if the intention is to merely get close to someone else, it's pretty shady to use someone's friendship.

7. Petty people who think social media is an appropriate platform for drama and confrontation

Oh you hate me? Great, say it to my face. What's the point in writing mean posts about others for all the world to see? Isn't social media for socializing aka being friendly? There's nothing to fear from these people. Wasting time expressing hate while hidden behind a computer screen portrays them oppositely to how they hoped it would—pathetic and cowardly.

8. That one overly aggressive individual on a power trip

When people get to college and they gain some sort of "position" of power, whether that be in greek life, in a club, at an internship, etc… sometimes they get the idea that makes them better than the peasants below them. As follows, they get a lot bossy and a little tyrannical. Calm down Susan, you're the president of the baking club.

9. The kid in your class who actually never knows when to shut up and gets into fights with the teacher on the reg

While these students were annoying in high school, they're particularly annoying in college. Apparently, being accepted into college means you know everything—hint, hint, it doesn't.

Moral of the story: maybe don't explore these personas? Or do—whatever floats your boat really, but you may find yourself on a list of "questionable" people.

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