Anker Nebula Apollo vs. Emotn H1 projector, which is better? | The Odyssey Online
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Anker Nebula Apollo vs. Emotn H1 projector, which is better?


Anker Nebula Apollo vs. Emotn H1 projector, which is better?

Anker Nebula Apollo and

Emotn H1 projector are both portable mini projectors, but there is a certain price difference between them, so which one is better?

1. Appearance

Anker Nebula Apollo is small enough to be held in one hand, while Emotn H1 has about the same height as Apollo, and is designed with a high-quality leather carry handle which is easy to carry out. In addition, the H1 has made a new innovation in the projection industry in terms of appearance, with mechanical keyboard keys on top, bringing users a new tactile experience. And the gold ABS vertical knob, with a very retro look, is suitable for home or on-the-go scenarios.

2. Image

On the image, H1 has 360 ANSI lumens, 3000:1 contrast ratio, and a native resolution of 1080p, while the Nebula Apollo has 200 ANSI lumens and a native resolution of 480p. A projector with higher lumens has stronger light, a clearer picture, and is less affected by outside light. And higher resolution reflects more detail. So the H1 is far better than the Nebula Apollo in the projection effect, detail performance and brightness.

3. System

The Nebula Apollo has 1+8GB of memory, while the Emotn H1 is configured with 1+16GB, twice the storage capacity of the Apollo, providing more space for users to install their favorite software. In terms of the operating system, H1 is Android 9.0 and Apollo is Android 7.1. So H1 has a higher system and better compatibility with software.

Nebula Apollo and H1 are both manually focused and horizontally keystone corrected, and vertically keystone corrected automatically. But Emotn H1 supports 45° keystone correction while Apollo only supports 40°.

4. Connection

Nebula Apollo provides HDMI and USB ports, H1 also has TF (Micro SD), SPDIF interface, network cable interface and audio interface on top of that. With a richer interface, the H1 supports multiple connections like cell phones, computers, DVDs, TV boxes and more.

Both projectors can be turned into Bluetooth speaker mode, the difference is that Apollo is Bluetooth 4.2, while H1 is Bluetooth 5.0, so H1's Bluetooth transmission is faster and more stable. In Bluetooth speaker mode, the H1's optical machine will automatically turn off, so users will not be disturbed by noise when listening to songs.

5. Summary

Overall, Emotn H1 is better than Anker Nebula Apollo in terms of brightness, resolution, and system configuration, and H1 is better in terms of user experience. Both projectors are compact and portable, you may choose the one you like. The price of the H1 is $60 less than the Nebula Apollo, so it is more cost-effective.

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