I was around seven years old when I was first introduced to anime (Japanese animation) in the form of "Sailor Moon" and "Samurai X (a.k.a. Rurōni Kenshin)." Now, at the age of 20, anime and manga (Japanese comics) are still a big part of my life. For me, these media products have not only been entertainment but also educational in many ways. One of my favorite aspects about anime shows is that their plots can range from completely senseless, lighthearted and irrelevant to downright deep, psychological and analytical. Thus, they have been the subject of quite a few papers I have written over the last couple of years.
Anime and manga fans are constantly subjected to negative stereotypes, especially here in the West. However, we all are just like fans of any other media product, with our own quirks and unique, fun characteristics. Today, I won't bore readers with why I believe everybody should watch anime and why it's okay to be comfortable liking the things you like. Instead, here are — in my and my anime/manga-loving friends' experience — some things people who are really into these media products can relate to: