When people hear the word Anime, I wonder what grotesque parody flies through their minds to make them spit the phrase, "Oh, you like those freaky cartoons." As a matter of fact, I sincerely do, as do numerous other people. No one particularly enjoys disdain. Even more so when your peers aim that prejudice toward you. Many of us were made to feel like rejects due to the judgmental undertones directed at something some find immature or stupid due to lack of knowledge.
Anime's homeland, Japan, hails it and its source material Manga (highly stylized graphic novels) as a fully realized art form, worthy of as much praise and admiration as the Mona Lisa. Anime serves as one of Japan's leading forms of entertainment, and weighs in on mature philosophical themes such as human sexuality and the meaning of life. Companies seeking to make a profit expose the West to very specific types of Anime, those that reflect American entertainment values. The best example is“Panty and Stockings with Garterbelt,” an Anime designed precisely for Americans and packed with all the essential "dick- jokes" and fan-service to satisfy our high intellects.
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This mainstream Anime that represents the whole medium is called the "Shounen" genre, also known as boy's anime. These give off a false impression of what Anime is really like. This is not to say that the Shounen genre doesn't hold it's own values. “Fairy Tail,”for example, champions perseverance and friendship.
The best Animes provide the same fix that Harry Potter does: a total transportation into a realm of unknown possibilities. Take one of my favorite stories of all time: “Michiko and Hatchin.” The story tells of a young girl's life struggle and trust issues, all while a violent criminal relentlessly pursues her fleeting love. The comic deals with themes of betrayal, loyalty, tragedy, love, loss, acceptance, and, above all, true friendship. It will make you laugh, cry and fall in love with the two heroines. It's as noble a tale as “Breaking Bad”or “My Sister's Keeper,” but ostracized by narrowmindedness.
A marvel to behold, “Spirited Away,” comes from the Japanese Studio Ghibli and boasts a top spot on the list for both the most awarded and highest grossing animation of all time. The protagonist must work for Shinto in exchange for her family's life. It traces her perseverance and reservation to succeed against an evil sorceress and defy all odds.
I discovered Anime on a sick day off from school, while trying to distract myself from the plight of illness. It just popped up when I started surfing the web, and it's held a place on my browser ever since. I like it. Whether due to its humor or fantastically outrageous stories, it always brightens my day.