Kristoff from Frozen definitely had the right idea with his song Reindeers Are Better Than People because animals in general are so much better than people, at least in my opinion.
If I could work with animals everyday for the rest of my life instead of people, I would in a heartbeat. In fact I could probably write an entire novel about the reasons why I get along better with animals than people, but instead I will only bore you guys with a few examples.
So here it goes, if you didn't think I was a crazy animal person before then you definitely will after this!
1. They will never get into heated arguments with you.
Yes, they can have their own funny little ways of talking back, but they will never look you in the eye and tell you that you're wrong. Human beings are so focused on who/what is right or wrong in a situation that they don't take the time to simply listen or weigh out both sides. Now I'm not saying that animals weigh out the sides either, but I do know that they have more things to worry about other than whether or not their owner's opinion is right or wrong.
2. They are always happy to see us.
Pet owners always receive the best greetings when they come home at the end of the day, or when they come back into the room they just left five minutes ago. Their pets will show how excited they are whether it's through tail wagging, crying happy noises or simply running over to greet them. No matter how long they were gone, your pet will always see it as a reason to celebrate!
3. There is a perfect companion out there for everyone.
Possibly one of the
best things about animals is that there are so many different species and
breeds which means there is a perfect one out there for anyone. They come in
all shapes, sizes, textures and temperaments. So no matter where you live, how
active you are, what you're allergic to or how much money you have there is
some sort of animal out there for you!
4. Animals are easily amused and entertained.
Some are needier than others in this sense, but for the most part they are pretty content with simple things. They don't need big extravagant things to hold their attention, usually a tennis ball and someone to throw it for them will be more than enough. Or when they aren't feeling well or seem to be sad, they are easily cheered up with some personal time and some kind words in that "special pet voice" we all seem to have. In my opinion, the little stuff in life is what we need to focus on more as humans.
5. They're amazing listeners.
I would rather rant to my dog than to a therapist any day. There is no judgment, questioning or doubt from him when I get started on what bothers me. Even though I could use some feed back on occasion, he does a great job in just allowing me to get stuff off my chest. This is true for any animal I've come into contact with as well, they'll listen until you relax and then find a way to cheer you up.
6. They're extremely forgiving.
Rescuing an animal is quite possibly the most amazing thing someone can do. You are taking care of an animal who was unwanted, neglected, abused or who knows what else. They have hit a rough patch in their life, and maybe their entire life has been a rough patch. But here you are, willing to take them in and give them the love and affection that they need to be able to live out a happy and healthy life. Most are able to overcome some heartbreaking pasts and learn to trust again.
7. Their hearts are huge.
When animals look at their owners, they see the ones who care for them and who will protect them no matter what. To some, this may closely resemble the definition of what a family is. In return of this care and protection, the animals give us love back. This comes in many different forms from rainy day snuggles, trusting us with their favorite toys, protection, and of course kisses (even when they aren't exactly wanted). They love us unconditionally.
8. They don't need to understand us perfectly, sometimes they just know.
Animals may not be able to understand every word that comes out of our mouths, but they are able to read us anyway. Body language and our tone of voice are indicators to them that they may need to adjust to a new situation, even if that means protecting us from a stranger. There is an unspoken bond between an animal and a human and to me it is beautiful.
Anyone think I'm a crazy animal person yet? Because I definitely have myself even more convinced now... Check out some of my other animal related articles too, just follow the links below!
When You Crossed The Rainbow Bridge 10 Life Lessons From A Dog Do Mice Make Good Pets?