One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is learning new things about some of my favorite animals. I've compiled a list of some of the most amazing animals facts I have come across on my internet spelunking!
1. Seahorses have no teeth and no stomachs.
They also travel in pairs, holding onto each others' tails!
2. Some butterflies don't have mouths.
They must survive on the energy they stored up as caterpillars.
3. A group of kangaroos is called a "mob."
They are also the size of a kidney bean when they are born.
4. Platypuses don't have nipples.
They feed their young by sweating milk through glands.
5. Mosquitoes pee on you when they bite you.
Only female mosquitoes feed on blood, male mosquitoes feed on flower nectar.
6. Snails can hibernate for up to three years.
They curl up into their shells until the weather feels better for them.
7. Sea lions can hear better underwater than above.
The California sea lion can hear sounds in the range of 1 to 40 kHz underwater while the average hearingrange for humans is about 0.02 to 20 kHz.
8. Octopi can smell and taste with their arms.
They also have three hearts!
9. Ostriches can run up to 40mph.
And their eyes are bigger than their brains.
10. There are sharks capable of living in volcanoes.
Scientists found these sharks off the coast of the Solomon Islands in the Kavachi volcano!
11. Flies can taste with their feet.
They also poop every five minutes.
12. Sloths come down from their trees once a week to use the bathroom.
They move so slowly and infrequently that moss often begins to grow on their fur.
13. Koalas diet mainly consists of eucalyptus leaves, which are poisonous.
They actually eat so many of these leaves that Koalas smell like the plant itself.
14. The Chinese Leather turtle pees through its mouth.
And did you know that turtle shells are made of bone!
15. Penguin poop in parts of Antarctica can be seen from space.
They can also jump over 6 feet out of the water!
16. Rats are ticklish.
And studies have shown that rats actually smile with their ears!
17. Tarantulas can live up to two years without food.