Hi there, it's me, your friendly neighborhood reptile person, here to tell you about animal abuse in the reptile community
So far, many people argue with me over what is, and what is not animal abuse.
You would think it would be simple to see, but sometimes things are not so simple
See this? This is animal abuse. At first glance, this may seem harmless and funny. Of course, you may think this about the cat. No, instead, this situation is animal abuse for the bearded dragon in the tub. Notice how terrified he is, and how the cat is at first interested in him. If there had been no water in this tub, the cat may have ended up attacking this poor animal.
Did you know, that cat saliva contains a gram-negative bacteria that gets in their claws; even the slightest scratch could result in an infection that a reptile’s immune system can’t keep up with, leading to death?
This bacteria will kill any reptile. Buts it's not just cats that are the problem. Dogs, ferrets, mice, rats, etc. There is absolutely no reason for your reptile to interact with any other animal.
Purposefully putting an animal in a dangerous situation for entertainment is animal abuse. Always. I don't care if you think its funny or cute. It's not. Whenever I see something like this, my blood boils in absolute rage. I know that if it were an animal that was fluffy (like a mouse) sitting in that tub, the video would be bashed by every person on the internet. But because reptiles are so exotic to own, people think they are invincible. News flash, reptiles need just as much care, love and attention as mammals do. Owning a reptile isn't very different than owning anything else. You put the same amount of care into owning a reptile as you do in owning a dog. Or at least I do.
So the next time you see a cute video or picture with a reptile and a mammal interacting, kindly remind the person that animal abuse is not okay. Also, if you believe I am simply trying to rain on your parade, I surely hope your reptile does not die a very horrible painful death due to your ignorance.
Here are some more examples of animal abuse:
Please refrain from doing this. Your animals life is more important than a cute picture or video right? (if it's not, you shouldn't own animals!)