The beauty of Anguish is the purity of it. Fear, pain, and hate strip us bare and render us primal. Anguish scrubs away the identities we spent so long building for ourselves, until we are not but skeletons, vehemently writhing like the body of a headless snake. The pure feeling of Anguish is enough to cut swathes of the deepest ravines in our self, ripping ourselves up from the dredges of personalities we have layered on. In Anguish, we all are brothers and sisters of torment. In pain are we finally set to hold the hand of the king and embrace the peasant. We shall all sing in harmony the horrific drones of torture. In our most terrific nightmares, we are all laid bare, joined together as one.
Sister of Sweet Mother Anguish is Guilt. Guilt is the gravity of morality. The eventual equilibrium bringer. There is no metaphysical force greater than the mounting overbearing of subjugation to one's own guilt. Within Guilt, our mountainous sins and crimes shall be slashed and weighed upon, until the tops meet with the lows of the valleys of lust and greed. Guilt will pound out all of our horrific thoughts until our minds are the perfect sphere the gods sought after. Eventually, we shall all be crushed under our deeds and shall fall as another taken by the gravity of Guilt.
Next to sister Guilt is the Dark Maiden Fear. Fear is the diseased maiden who spreads the touch of the plague, infecting the masses with terrible symptoms of anxiety and hysteria. She reaches out with her tendrils of the most primal emotions and burrows long and deep into the hearts of men. A connection to the Maiden Fear is one of deep, personal, and burning passion. A passion unlike that of love or joy, but one of never-ending grips on the minds and souls of all subjects of God. Dread Maiden Fear lives in the hearts of us all, to the point of tyrannous domination over the purest hates and machinations of each individual. Dread Maiden Fear lives in all us, and Fear will never loosen her grip.
For are we not subjects to ourselves?
As soon as our primordial fingers spawned the flame, we sacrificed the lamb within us. The lamb that tethered us to the sweet ignorance all the rest of God's creatures drink from. They quench their inquisitive natures, blanking from the nature of all morality.