"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die", said Buddha. You may find it hard to believe, but there is so much truth behind this saying. Whoever tends to be angry, as a way to respond to negative vibes or downward movements that are going on in the world is only hurting his or her mood. Even though there are so many things that bring us down in the world today, never stop trying to keep a smile on your face and a sense of joy and happiness on your mind.
One of the worst aspects of holding onto anger as a mean to show disagreement with someone else is when it creatives internal disorder in oneself. It’s believable that angry people look older than their ages, and often live lovelessly. The thing is the more you tend to promote a happy mindset, the more you are creating space for positive adventures. It’s not random that anger can be a defect hard to get rid of. The angry person will not build community. An angry face often makes even the closest loved ones feel undervalued or unwelcome. Some people believe in heart than appearance, same as some others think dialog can help understanding the true self of another being rather than their appearance. Both of them, sometimes, can be true, as it can also turn out neither of them reflects reality. In one case, some people can show a good heart in speaking or in acting, but, actually, never speak up their minds. In other cases, people may appear to be ill-intentioned but in reality are the best ones to have around. It is not always wise to judge based on assumptions we make of someone else.
It’s not wise to try to be mean. Being mean is not a good way of showing disagreement. Indeed, it’s a sign that shows one’s level of impoliteness, obstinacy, and indocility. I am not sure whether it’s a good thing for someone to be mean as a way of preserving one’s jobs or leveling oneself from others who are under our supervision or in need of our services. It may prove that a person with good humor is as likely as the fierce one to be a dictator. The difference is that the one that tries to show a sympathetic behavior to others is mentally stronger than the one who can’t handle being mean in the situation of incongruency. Unfortunately, I have known and crossed several categories of people that have shown to me that "being mean" is a way to show superiority or disagreement. Even though none of such groups of people have taken the smile away from my face, I have tried my best to understand that not everyone is born to have the same level of good judgment and flexibility of character. I am indeed still smiling to those who show me a visage of iron.
I invite you to do the same: forgive, never forget, and move on. If we stop forgiving, the world will become a place of enmity. It’s normal to prevent those who show hostile behaviors towards you, but it’s a lack of modesty to wish the worse for them or to hurt them in return. There is a reason why there exist people who occupy the most prestigious positions while others just contend being average or minor. Depending on who you are, you already know where you stand. Where you stand is determined by which values you promote, which categories of people make your day, and how concerned you are for the wellness of everyone else. America may show the opposite during these last elections, but I will tell you “hope dies last”, and the “right man will always be in the right place”. This is to say, all thing that does not aim for a positive world will vanish quickly. So, beware of your temper, for anger is an equal enemy to your person as a real disease is to your health.