Anyone with any social media presence will know by now that Hollywood power couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, have filed for divorce. This day is history will henceforth be known as the day that love died.
Granted starting a relationship in the middle of a marriage probably isn't the way to go, but it seemed like maybe they had escaped Karma's relentless grasp; they didn't.
For over a decade we have watched these two not only rise to the top of their careers, but also become amazing parents and give the world an example on making it work. I'll never forget the quote about how Brad took care of Angelina when she was in a dark place--his love brought her back to life people!!
But that, apparently, is in the past, and today Angelina has said goodbye to Brad. There have been some rumors of infidelity, but who knows why the two most perfect people decided to break up their perfect relationship. Why?!?!?!
I mean, who's next? Jenna and Channing?! I need something bigger than myself to hold onto. Something that proves to me that true love exists, and can last longer than that time I tried to go vegan.
Idk what the Universe is up to right now, but it's not feeling too good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have studying to procrastinate on, Sex and the City to binge, and a bottle of wine to cry into. You could say I'm living the life. Or not.