Society expects perfection out of all of us. Even when we act flawed, we have to do it perfectly. No one can truly be themselves without being judged. Education and money often trump laughter and memories. Because of this, we can miss out on so much life. What's the point of living if you aren't living every day for you to enjoy? Unless we do that, we won't be our best selves.
Andy doesn't have a real direction, a solid education, or a clue. But no one in this world loves life more than he does. We all need to be more like Andy Dwyer.
1. Moderation isn't fun, but sometimes it's necessary.
2. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it.
3. Men don't cry. Men are strong.
4. The internet has all the answers.
5. His priorities are straight.
6. This issue really needs more light shed on it.
7. Throw a big word into the conversation and people will think you're a Harvard grad.
8. Boom. That's spaghetti.
9. *Works out once.*
10. Learning the hard way benefits you more in the end.
11. He's good in a crisis.
12. Life is actually quite simple, we just make it hard on purpose.
13. He can admit when he messes up, whether it's a small problem...
14. ...or a bigger one.
15. At least one big decision every day.
16. Dating someone younger when you're in your 30s can be strange.
17. Pickup lines must always be A1.
18. Think out of the box.
19. Forget what you studied in college, this is how you find success.
20. Ask the real questions. Get the real answers.
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