Founded in 1929, Anderson High School is a wonderful school to be a part of. Ranked as one of the best public school systems in Ohio, the school itself has won many awards. It has also been recognized as one of the best high schools of 2015 by US News. Many people see the academic achievements that the school makes, but the students of Anderson remember all of the great memories that they share from its halls. Even if you're just starting as a freshman or you graduated back in the '70s, everyone has a great story to tell from attending Anderson.
1. Cockroaches don't scare you anymore.
You may have even purchased some cockroach stomping shoes.
2. You've probably told someone about Andrew Norwell playing for the Carolina Panthers (and how he played for Ohio State).
Even if you were never there to see his legacy at Anderson, it's a pretty cool thing that he walked the halls.
3. You take advantage of free Marco's pizza on Fridays.
It was how your lunch table celebrated the victory of answering the question of the day.
4. You've received a "HandsBuck" or a "BaileyBuck."
It was worth more than money when you were a freshman.
5. You still rooted for the football team, even though you never knew if they would win a game.
Football games were partially a social event and partially watching the game. "The pit" is where all the middle schoolers hung out.
6. You sat through classes feeling like you would have a heat stroke because we had no air conditioning.
What's a heat day?
7. You told at least one freshman that we have an elevator in the school.
Watching them search for it was priceless.
8. You explained to your non-Anderson friends that your building is shaped like an "A."
The architects were so clever with that one.
9. You remember running to the parking lot right at 2:15 p.m. so that you could avoid the traffic.
But you still had to sit in traffic until 2:30 p.m. to get out of the lot.
10. You were there when homecoming was moved from the cafeteria to the gym.
Nothing can replace the memories that I had in that cafeteria.
11. You may have heard the stories of the best senior prank from the class of 2012.
It was legendary and it always will be.
12. You remember the ATown Compliments Twitter page and how it was one of the nicest gestures that any high school student has ever done.
Everyone was featured in it and it celebrated people's academic and extracurricular accomplishments rather than their looks.
13. You remember Mr. Rod's teacher band, which played at various events throughout the year.
They appeared at the Battle of the Bands and the Academic Pep Rally and they're actually very good.
14. Someone has told you that "redskin" is an offensive term and that your mascot should be changed.
Clearly our superintendent hasn't heard that enough.
15. You've actually used your Anderson Achievers card (for something other than Marcos on Fridays).
If you were an Orange Card holder as a senior, you even got to skip your last period on Fridays and you got discounts on specific items at Kroger.
16. A pep rally isn't a pep rally without a teacher dance number and Mr. Granger doing a gymnastics routine.
Our teachers go out of their way to encourage us, both in and out of the classroom.
17. You know that Anderson is so much better than Turpin.
No questions asked.
What are some of your favorite memories from Anderson? You probably have many stored in the back of your mind. Whether you had positive memories or embarrassing moments, everyone enjoys their high school career.