Well, there it went, freshman year of college is three short weeks away from being over.
The thought of leaving college to go home for the summer fills you with mixed emotions that are hard to explain: missing school, but not missing the actual "school" part.
I know I can speak for everyone when I say freshman year is the best and worst time of your college career. The things I have learned, the people I have met, the memories I have made, and the mistakes I have made, I would not change them for the world because they made my freshman year one I would never forget.
It's weird sitting around in your dorm room thinking that sooner than you think you will be packing it all up to go home again, and it will seem like move-in day was yesterday.
You'll begin to think about how you are going to function without your closest friends being only a walk away from you, and you'll wonder how you ever went about living life without the amazing people you have met.
Those late night cravings you get will still be present during summer, but the difference is there won't be the union at home, Cate won't be serving you breakfast for dinner when you've been up late studying, Papa Johns won't deliver that fresh hot pizza to your dorm room after a night out with friends, and I'm sure we can all agree, Canes wont be too bad to not have back home.
Your year of living in the dorms is done.
Those late night runs to campus corner to get that special Fuzzys chips and queso, those random floor meetings you never really remember to go to, the fire drills that interrupt you in the most inconvenient time, the Caf food that always gets old, the search for a parking spot for a good 45 minutes, the half mile walk from your dorms to classes, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by homework all the time.
You may not realize it now, but those are the memories you will miss at one time. Those are the memories that will make you laugh harder than you thought possible.
There's only three short weeks out there, so make the most of it. Take pictures, hangout with friends, finish strong, and say goodbye to the dorms.
I hope you guys found everything you were looking for in the freshman year experience, I know I did.