Hi there!
My question for this week is: Why is it difficult to allow ourselves to experience just some good ole' joy?- Do we not, "deserve" it somehow?
Maybe we fear being viewed as,“too selfish, irresponsible, or immature," when we decide to "treat ourselves."
Of course, I have to laugh right now…As I am writing this from the comfort of a lovely hotel room in Toronto; my brilliant and beautiful best friend Sydney finishing her work beside me.
We are both college students with part-time jobs and responsibilities but, we are also human beings with the desire to simply feel alive! To escape to an awesome city for a weekend and, celebrate all that we have overcome!
When Sydney first suggested taking the trip, I was hesitant. I didn't know whether It was smart to be spending more money for travel or, taking another weekend off from work ..etc..
It also didn’t help when I told one my coworkers I wasn't working that weekend and she said:
“ You’re going out of town again? Ha! Erin only works so she can travel.”
It wasn't until the week before our trip, when I experienced a reaffirming sign, that I accepted it was ok for me to go.
I was on a morning bike ride nearby my grandmother's house, when I found a nice bench to stop and sit by a small lake.
Before I sat, I noticed a stone plaque in the middle of the bench with a couple's name on top and the words below which read: “Soulmates Forever. Remember Every Day Is A Gift Laugh And Smile.”
I am so grateful for this weekend and, for every day that I am alive and laughing alongside my loved ones!
If for me, more adventures means working more hours and staying up later to study—then so be it! I love exploring. I love change, and I love having these amazing opportunities to express both my gratitude and pure love for this life!
I wish for you to experience every day as a gift and remember, that you ARE entitled to treat yourself.
Sending peace, love, and light your way always,
- e.e