An Analysis of Why Reform is Needed in America's Education System | The Odyssey Online
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An Analysis of Why Reform is Needed in America's Education System

Politicians say we need to invest in today's younger generation, but we need to do it right.

An Analysis of Why Reform is Needed in America's Education System
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America’s education system is in extreme need of being reformed. Not only does higher education need reform, but so do our elementary and secondary schools. Politicians are always talking about investing in America’s kids and making better science and math programs, but in order to do that, we need to invest in the education system first. As with anything else, a foundation needs to be built (or rebuilt) before we can focus on the structure. Allow me to explain in detail what I mean.

Part I: Elementary and Secondary Schools

I hail from a school district which included buildings that were literally crumbling around the students and staff inside. The middle school I went to was in very poor shape. The main entrance was constantly closed because the steps leading up to the doors were a safety hazard and the bricks they were made of were falling apart. Inside, many of the auditorium’s seats were missing the actual seats. The ceiling was falling apart above our heads.

However, it is not just the physical conditions of the buildings that need to be fixed. It is also the fact that too many teachers today have to pay for classroom supplies out of their own pockets. While some may be able to write the cost of these materials off in their taxes, teachers just starting out often can’t do that. So in order to invest in America’s kids, we need to invest in our teachers. Teachers are already underpaid. Therefore, they often struggle to get the amount of classroom supplies they need.

Politicians can say all they want that we need to amp up our science and math curriculum, but that is structural work. We need to focus on fixing the foundation first. This means making the buildings safe and reforming education so that kids can have access to classroom supplies without the teachers having to buy the materials out of their own pockets when they are underpaid and under appreciated for all they do. Then, once these initial problems are solved, curriculum plans across the country can begin to be reworked.

Part II: Higher Education

This is a hot issue in today’s American politics. It is contested by both party platforms--meaning politicians use this issue as a way to get voters. In studying American politics, I have learned that candidates use a small handful of issues in their campaigns to appeal to the American people—these issues being programs such as social security, healthcare, foreign policy, etc. They also use higher education. They do this to try to get the youth vote. However, there is substance behind America’s higher education that needs reform just like elementary and secondary schools.

The first issue is the cost. Higher education is so expensive in America that many people are not going on to get a college degree. And those that do go often graduate with astronomical amounts of debt. Reform is needed to make higher education more accessible to those that want to continue on with their education. The fact that tuition, fees, room, and board are so high needs to be changed. Another facet of this is out-of-state tuition and fees. If someone wants to continue their education in a different state, they should not be punished financially for that.

The other reason higher education is in need of reform is the general education requirements. Often times, students end up taking more courses in college that fulfill some random requirement than classes related to their major. One of the main points of college is to choose a field of study and become a specialist in that area. Then to take it a step further, the requirements end up being different from campus to campus across the country. There ought to be a better blanket system across the nation for general education requirements. Let students study the field they have chosen. Ultimately, it will be cheaper and students will be happier.


Clearly, America’s education system as a whole is in need of reform. We need to work from the foundation up so that we can truly invest in the lives of America’s youth. This will not only make kids, students, and educators happier, but it will also be a good thing for our nation. The United States is often referred to as “America the Powerful.” Investing in education reform just might keep it that way.

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