Dear little me,
Unfortunately, we haven't grown exponential amounts since back then. We're still a short girl with unpredictable hair who likes Green Day...except it's more normal to say that last part now than when we said it to our first-grade teacher.
We're in college now. I know back then Princeton seemed like the clear choice, but it didn't work out like that. Going to the SUNY is just better for future us money wise. You wouldn't want us living in a box on a street corner, right? And I know how much you hate orange and blue together, but just grin and bear it.
You should take a seat for this one. It doesn't look like we're on the road to becoming a singing fairy princessor a chef. We're studying to work with films -- like write movies, try to get people to want to see them, edit them. I know it's not crowns and live performances and chef hats, but we really love it and we're actually pretty good at it.
I know you're dying to ask, but no, we are not married yet. Sorry. Also, I know how much we loved them, but there are only a small handful of friends we've kept since back then. In fact, we're still working out the friends thing. It's a tricky business. Some people are practically family. They love you unconditionally no matter how annoying or silly you can be, make the effort to stay in your life no matter how far away you are, and stand up for you at all costs. Those are keepers. But, there are some people who, even if you thought the world of them, just aren't there for you. If I've learned anything since back then, it's that people inevitably come and go. Some people make more of an impact than others, it hurts more when some people leave, and sometimes, people you were so sure were going to stick around, don't. But it's the people that keep coming back, or perhaps never truly leave at all, that are your real friends. And under no circumstances should you settle for anyone who treats you less than you treat them.
I know that was a lot, but don't worry. We've got some pretty great people in our life. Aside from our ride or die friends, our family is pretty great. Of course, we still argue with our big sister, but I've decided that there are better ways to go about establishing my point than physically biting her. Also, she didn't grow up to be a literal ice cream truck like she originally wanted if you want to pass that along to younger her.
Finally, and I don't wish to dwell on this, but the state of the world right now is a little uneasy. A new president was just elected and a lot of people are unhappy. I don't need to go into detail because you'll understand soon. But know that we are lucky to have such supportive people who raised us. Understand that regardless of what anyone else says, we can be whatever we want to be. And always remember to lead your life with love.
Enjoy these years now and don't worry too much about the future just yet.
19-year-old us
P.S. get ready for two sets of braces, we brought that one on ourself.