I have had my share of roommates in my short 22 years of life (currently looking for what will be my fourth roommate in a year and a half). Thankfully, Jesus gave me an ineffable support group because "you need people of intelligence on this sort of...mission...quest...thing." - Peregrin Took aka Pippin
"Lord of the Rings" is one of my favorite stories for obvious reasons. The writing, the characters, the friendships, the quest. Much like "Lord of the Rings," finding a roommate can be a quest. With help from some really cool people, here is what it feels like to look for a roommate.
The moment you and your one cool roommate go separate ways:
And the realization that living alone is not practical hits you:
So you decide to post on social media because timelines are a thing:
But then you get these random messages from crazy people and you're like:
So the search continues:
Then you find a potential, fun, seemingly normal person but he/she goes from this:
To this:
Which forces you to be like:
But then you're all:
Because you're one positive, glass is always full, badass.
Finally, the moment comes to when you meet a great person who is not crazy, but super fun:
And the two (or more) of you are all:
If Frodo and Sam can simply walk the ring into Mordor, you can find a roommate.