I got an unexpected call Monday morning from my boyfriend, as I was driving back home after my final exam.
He said, "There's something I need to tell you." My heart dropped and I started to worry, but I replied and said, "Yeah, of course, what is it?"
He proceeded to tell me his recruitment officer gave him an offer to leave. At that moment, I knew what was going to happen. He goes on and says, "Well, I got a super ironic call from my recruitment officer, and I think it is time, but I have a serious and important question. Will you be there when I get back?" I was crying a lot at this point. I couldn't really get out any words. He gave me time and asked if I was okay.
Once I was able to calm down, I then explained that of course, I would be here when he gets back, that I am not going anywhere, and I will wait for him to return. I also said, if it is time, then it's time.
He was supposed to leave July 30th, 2018. But, things change and God gave him this opportunity and he took it. We had a lot of stuff planned until July 30th. He was upset that we wouldn't have the chance to do the stuff we planned, but I reassured him that this is a very special time for him. We can put these plans on hold until he returns.
For anyone that knows this sweet man, his dream is to become a Navy Seal. He's been working towards this dream for a long time now, but he ran through some bumps along the way. He is one tough boy and very strong-willed. He sets his mind to something and he does it.
Exactly a week later after the call, his family and I drove to Richmond, VA to watch him swear in and leave. What is so awesome is that while everyone was swearing in as a group, he got to be sworn in by himself with his own father (his father is in the Coast Guard). There was not a dry eye in the room. It was such an amazing feeling to be a part of something so special. The hardest part that day was hugging him tight before watching him get on the bus to leave for the airport and getting sweet long messages all day.
His family is a family that anybody would love to be a part of. They are very supportive, loving, and caring. I absolutely adore each and every one of them. Being with them that day made me realize how I am going to love being along for the ride with them during this special time. His family is amazing and I would not have wanted to be anywhere else that day. I am so very lucky to have them in my life.
As the day went on, before he had to give his phone up, he texted me a very long message. He told me to stay strong and to pray for him continuously. He said that he's ready to start 'OUR' new journey. He said that he is excited to serve this country.
So, I am not giving up. I pray 2 times a day. I'm putting this in God's hands.
As of Monday, December 11th, 2017 he left for Navy recruit training on a Navy Seal contract. His family, my family, and I are so incredibly proud of him, support him, and miss him so much.