It is always imaginative thought wondering what a person from the past would think seeing today’s world, and pondering on how surprised and shocked they would be. However, using the same thoughts in a slightly different matter can ignite a creative state of mind. Instead of imagining their puzzlement, one should imagine what these people from the past would see as missing elements of the society in any form or aspect.
Sometimes bringing in someone completely ignorant of an idea and exposing them directly and vividly to it would give them a new insight that wasn’t thought of by those that are constantly living around the same idea. Take a beta computer program in the making, asking for a complete stranger’s opinion might immensely help its development. This is what people call surveys.
Yet the idea is to develop an inner individual skill that allows oneself to live out the whole scenario with oneself. Moreover, this skill could be used intelligently to better understand oneself and observe the areas in which a stranger would consider as “weaknesses” or “flaws” – terms that shouldn’t be sufficient in self-reflection and self-development.
Taking an average day, one could utilize this skill in almost every situation so long as it is not damaging to one’s well-being, mind and soul. Mistreating a person, whether a friend or a stranger could be a situation in which this skill is put into practice, by clearly pointing out to oneself how one’s alter ego (or a stranger) would’ve treated the other person in a more positive manner. The same goes for mishandling situations, that might not include any person other than oneself, and these essentially help the growth of the soul; being self-conscious and aware of all the possibilities of handling that situation.
Growing towards a more complete form and state of one’s being is the goal of this idea. It is solely based on one’s idea and perspective of a better being. It is a common phrase, relating to this idea, that says that one should be one’s own greatest critic.