Some brief background as to the circumstances of this article: As I sat studying for the GSP I began to wonder, "Why haven't I continued to work on my novel?" Or perhaps, "Why haven't I begun to try my hand at art like I promised myself that I would?" Quite instantly, I came to a conclusion that has been reached many times before by many people. We're not giving enough time for our students to pursue their interests within the American education system. And before I go further, I apologize to my editors, for what is about to follow will be quite scathing indeed. Now, shall we begin?
The more I look at my education, the more I begin to realize that I'm not actually learning anything. Instead, I'm simply being taught to retain information before throwing it all back up onto a test. I'm not being taught to be a constructive member of human society. I'm not being taught to write or express individualistic thoughts. I'm being taught to not ask questions, to read and believe what I'm told, and then take a test before doing it all over again. This frustrates me to no end. The analogy I frequently use (and one that upsets my father) is that we're being taught to be robots. To not follow our own passions and instead devote ourselves wholly to school (and in the future, our careers) so we can get out degrees and maybe get a job after graduation.
What happened to inspiring students to do what they love? What happened to giving them the time to do what they love? More and more, I see my friends surrender their hobbies for their studies, just so that they might get a better grade. Just so that they'll have that good grade on their transcript so a company might hire them. And it makes me livid.
I've always been told by my father to "do what you love," but as soon as I got to college it turned into "start making sacrifices." I've never had the courage to say this to him, but that's bollocks. I want to write. I want to be a published author one day along with a successful journalist or person working in the communications field. So when it comes to it, I'm going to follow my dream. I'm going to work on my novel and put it through a million drafts so I can get it the closest to perfection. But you know what I'm also going to do? I'm going to go through college, and I'm going to kick its butt.
As I write this, i'm slowly beginning to feel like a crazed person shouting for no reason. In truth, I probably am. I probably won't make a difference through writing this as I wish I could.
In the end, all I want to say to whomever reads this is that you should follow your dreams. Write your novel, draw your art. Because in the end, you are the one who writes your own future.