Dear Tomi Lahren,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you don't think that you deserve the respect that millions of women around the world are fighting for you to have. I'm sorry that you feel that the women that are fighting and marching for you are wasting their time. I'm sorry that you firmly believe that women are, for some reason, less than. I'm sorry that you were raised to believe that we aren't allowed to have a voice.
I'm sorry that you believe that you're opinion shouldn't be disputed. I'm sorry that you believe that you're "holier than thou" attitude is not only correct, but preferable. I'm sorry that you're making a living being the stereotypical "angry woman" and perpetuating the stereotype that is so incredibly harmful to this society. I'm sorry that you're going to die of high blood pressure before you're 30. I'm sorry you have to use your incredible intelligence to make the rest of us look like floundering idiots. (In the same vain, I'm sorry that the worst insults you can come up with are "snowflakes" and "crybabies" with how intelligent you are.)
I'm sorry that you're unable to see that the "election" of our... President was anything but fair and free. I'm sorry that you believe that Muslims are the enemy, rather than the dangerous ego of the White Man. I'm sorry that you fail to see your privilege. I'm sorry that you probably never will see how harmful you are to the world. I'm sorry that you believe that a piece of fabric that symbolizes the fake freedom in this country is more important than the livelihood of real Americans that deserve respect. I'm sorry that you believe the right to carry a lethal piece of metal is more important than protecting the lives of people that don't.
I'm sorry that this is a letter that I have to write. I'm sorry that you're unable to see to see the point of our fight. Im sorry that you feel you're unable to be apart of it. I'm sorry that we may never see eye-to-eye, but I do hope that some day we can.
A Snowflake Without a President