9 Things I’ve always wanted to tell you:
- Even though you are only a text or a phone call away, not seeing you at least every week is something I wish I did not have to live with.
- Seeing you over breaks back home is one of the highlights of my break (No but seriously)
- I love seeing your snapchats and photos of you having fun and living your life (YOU GO GIRL)
- You are probably one of the only friends I can randomly call and complain to about things back home.
- Thank you for never leaving my side even when we were states away.
- Thank you for still keeping me in the circle of your life. I know moving away and growing apart can really change people, so thank you for still being one of those friends that I can still keep a close bond.
- No matter where I go, or who I meet, you will never be replaceable, and I hope you always remember that.
- Growing as a person is always a good thing but please don't ever change the essence of who you are and what you stand for, especially to fit in with crowd.
- Thank you for being such a big part of my life.
“Strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends are never far apart.”