Working late as well as making sure articles are turned in on time are just a couple tasks that our editors have to go through. Over the past few months that I have been writing for Odyssey, I have learned quite a few things. But one major thing that stood out to me was that our editors do so much more than any of us can think of. So, with that being said, I want to take some time and tell the editors who take time out of their busy weeks to read and help make my articles good thank you.
I will be completely honest. In the beginning, I found the deadlines to be annoying. I found them to be unnecessary. That was because I didn't understand that people just like me were waiting and waiting for articles to flow in just so they can edit them. I want to say I am sorry. I know that I have been one to not turn in articles on time. I have been late multiple times. Now that I have thought and seen how stressful it can be on the editors I will think twice before turning in an article late. It's only fair.
I really want to say thank you to the people who edit my articles because they have decided to take time out of their lives to read things that others and I have written. On top of being editors, these wonderful people have school, work, and social lives to worry about as well. I think that we as content creators should take that into consideration. We are not the only ones who have lives. It is absolutely kind and very generous of the editors to do what they do for us.
Another thing I would like to thank the editors about is how friendly they are and how much patience they have with us. I know it must be hard to not lose your cool when the deadline was two hours ago and you only have four articles turned in. The editors who have taken time to edit my articles are no longer just people who tell me what is wrong with my writing but I see them as family. We all laugh together and work together as a family to keep our Odyssey community afloat.
Being an editor in all honesty does not seem like an easy job. They depend on us content creators to be on time with our work so they can get the articles posted. Our editors deserve more than just this article I am writing, they deserve more than a thank you. I know for a fact that I will be trying my best to turn in articles on time and with as little errors as I can just to attempt to make my editors life a little bit easier. Thank you to the editors for all your hard work and dedication to the Odyssey as well as believing and not giving up on us a writers even when we make you want to flip your lid. You are truly amazing and your work does not go unnoticed. Once again, thank you.