College is four (and sometimes more) years of change, new experiences, curiosity, new ideas, new people and especially growth. I know I’ve changed significantly, especially throughout my first year of college. As I think about how much has changed within and around me, I also think about the one aspect of my life that has always stayed constant: my family. All of that unconditional love and support has never gone away throughout the 19 years of my life. So this is a letter to thank those who have stayed so constant in my crazy world of change.
To start off, I’d like to thank my siblings. Thank you for being my immediate best friends. Thank you for not only driving me insane but keeping me sane as well. Thank you for the countless laughs, fun vacation trips, Christmas Eve sleepovers (that always took place in my room and my room only), letting me blame things on you, being a shoulder to cry on, agreeing with me when I think the other sibling is being absolutely crazy, and for being the best siblings anyone could ever ask for. My life wouldn't be near as entertaining and fun if it wasn’t for you guys. Here’s to many more years of amazing memories we get to make together.
Next, I’d like to thank my cousins. Thank you for always being friends. For always checking in and making sure everyone is doing well. For making vacations a blast. And especially for making every family gathering one to remember…and adding way too much food on your plate just like me. We have been so fortunate to have almost all of our relatives live here in Kansas City. We’ve had the opportunity to grow up with one another and make thousands of crazy memories we’ll never forget. I will cherish your love and friendship forever and ever. I can’t thank you enough.
To the parents of my cousins, also known as my Aunts and Uncles. Thank you for your wonderful cooking skills. I’m not sure how I’ll ever be able to live up to all of the delicious meals you all make. Thank you for never forgetting about my birthday! (Or at least making it seem like you haven't forgotten). Thank you for being another parent to me. For being there for me when I needed an adult to talk to but didn’t want my mom or dad. Thank you for being kind always and for attending my musicals and graduations, even if they did bore you half to death. It means more to me than you know.
Now, I’d like to thank my grandparents. I’m so lucky to have both grandparents still here with me today. Each couple has taught me so much about myself. Because of you all, I’ve learned to appreciate life. To take in every second of every day and never take anything for granted. Thank you for making sure to use my manners no matter where we are. Thank you for never letting me leave your houses on an empty stomach. Thank you for the kind words when you’ve received my horrid school pictures when I thought I could rock the middle part and braces. Thank you for being the creators of this huge, beautiful family. None of us would be here if it wasn’t for you guys, literally. And most importantly, thank you for loving me no matter what. For hugging me tight and always making sure I know how loved I am. I appreciate all four of you more than you could ever imagine and I can’t thank you enough for everything you have taught me.
Lastly, I’d like to thank my parents. Thank you for supporting me in everything I do. For teaching me to be kind to everyone I meet. For being open-minded and optimistic in any situation that comes my way. Thank you for doing everything in your power to make me the best person, student, team player, and friend I can be. Thank you for your killer taste in music. Thank you for the amazing family vacations and for allowing me to do so many fun things so often. And last but certainly not least, thank you for the gift of life. I am so in love with this world and I have you guys to thank for that.
I am so grateful for all of my family members and all of the unconditional love you have all brought me. You all hold the most special place in my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do for me.