Looking back at my journey so far in college, it has been incredible. I've had an amazing experience. The last few years have been incredible. I've had some incredible experiences and met some amazing people. I've been living an amazing life. My first year in college was quite the roller coaster ride. I am very open with the fact that my first year at college was not great at all. I was in a dark place in my life and I felt alone and unhappy. Without the love and support I received from my family and friends at the time, I don't know what I would do. The months prior to college had been sad and distressing for me. So I had gone into college bitter, sad and angry. But I thank God for the people who were there for me during this time. I was so closed off and unhappy I really didn't make any new friends and just kept to myself. I am a commuter, so I would finish my classes and go home. The campus felt like a scary and dark place for me. I hated having to come to school and could not wait to finish classes and go home. It's so funny to think that I once felt so uncomfortable on campus and now the campus is like my second home. In the last two years I've spent so much time on campus and I love it, I know almost everyone and I know we're everything is. I love my college now and love being here. But I want to thank the people who had my back during my first year of college--when my life wasn't together and I wasn't living the life I wanted. This a thank you to everyone who was a light in my life during my darkest days.
First and foremost, I want to thank my family. Thank you to my mom. My mother was my rock and light during my darkest days Thank you Mom, for your unconditional love and support. Everything you did for me I can never repay you for. Every Friday on my day off we would go to the mall and get coffee in the morning. Without my mom I would never have broke out of my darkness and become happy again. Thank you to my brother Mark. Thank you for all the trips to Starbucks after we finished class at 10:30. Thank you for supporting me. Mom, thank loving me unconditionally and understanding where I was and having my back.
I also want to thank my cousin Abe
I'm so happy that we have been able to be in college together these last few years. Thank you for having my back when I was all alone here and encouraging me to branch out and make friends. Thank you for encouraging me that I would find my place here at STAC eventually. By Sophomore year, I had found my place and I am so happy here. Thank you for your encouragement during my first year.
My family was incredible during this time but they were not the only ones who had my back and were supportive of me. I have to say thank you my friends from high school they were all I had during my darkest days, they were my friends, my therapists--they were everything to me. I couldn't have made it from September 2014 to April 2015 without them! I would like to thank Maddy, Jessica and Mara. You guys were so incredible to me in so many ways. Thank you for everything.
Thank you for being my best friend, sister, confidant, and therapist. You knew what I was going through and you had my back and loved me unconditionally. You had my back you looked out for me and protected and treated me like family. You knew what I was going through and always made time for me and helped me break out of my shell. I don't know how I would have made it through those seven months without you. You were always one phone call or text away. Thank you for everything you did. You taught me so much about life and helped me get back on my feet. You truly were an angel in my life. I can never repay you for what you did for me. Thank you for being an amazing friend.
Thank you for being one of my best friends. You may have been far away in terms of physical distance, but your heart was always here. I am so thankful to you for your unconditional love and support. You always would text me funny things and always knew how to make me laugh. Whether it was a funny meme, or talking about the latest episode of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" or "Vanderpump Rules," you always made me laugh and were there for me to talk to. When you came home from school we always spent time together and you were here for me anytime I needed you. You were one text away. You were such a saving grace for me. I could not imagine life without you in it. Your my family and my friend. You may have been in Connecticut physically but you were always here when I needed you. Thank you for being an amazing friend in my life.
We've been friends for more than ten years. You are such an amazing person and friend. When I found out all those years ago that we were going to STAC together I was so happy. I love that we have experienced so much of our lives together. Thank you for having my back here at STAC as well! In a sea of unfamiliar people and faces, you were the one person I would see and it would immediately make me feel comfortable. You were with me during orientation, and you knew how fragile my emotions were during freshman year. My first year at STAC would have been horrible without you, thank you for your love and support and for always being understanding. Thank you for having my back and always looking out for me. I am so glad that we have been on this journey through high school and college together. Thank you for always being so wonderful and being a friend I can lean on for anything.
Without all the incredible people in my life, I would have never been able to break out of my depression and begin living my life or be happy again. I was a shattered person, but all the love and support I received allowed me to become myself again.