I know you’re probably having fun where you are
But I wish I was the one there for you
On all of the crazy adventures of life.
I know we still call and message and snapchat
But it’s not the same -
Not riding with you,
Being your partner in crime,
Or convincing you to stay out
To get late night ice cream and fries with me
Or sneaking around my house at 2 in the morning making food
And giggling as we jump in the pool at midnight.
I miss even driving through town as the sun goes down–
Just talking.
I wish I could call you up to meet for lunch
To see your face and ask how you’re really doing
To watch how excited you are about what you’re up to next
And so I can spill my latest stories
Because you are always willing to listen.
I wish we could sit and haggle over which Netflix show to watch
And laugh our we-should-already-be-asleep laughs
At how weird the show we picked out is.
I wish we could still go to football games together
And spend hours getting ready for dances
While taking awkward pictures and selfies we laugh about later
And I wish this wasn’t part of growing up -
That our golden summer never had to end.
So just know,
Wherever you are,
I’ll always wonder what trouble you’re getting yourself into,
And hope that every day
Gives you a reason to smile,
Or a reason to laugh.
Because you are the most inspiring person I’ve ever met
And don’t you forget it.
Love and hugs from afar,
Your best friend.