Dear Syllabus Week,
Ah, syllabus week. Also affectionately called 'chillabus' week or 'sylly' week, this is undoubtedly a students' favorite time of the semester. We are grateful for this lazy week, thankful for the limitless spiked hot chocolate we can drink, and excited to be back with our friends.
This week is the perfect transition from a lazy and relaxing break to the hectic and stressful semester. Professors spend the first couple classes going over their rules, attendance policies, and talking about future assignments (which seem so far in the future that you don't bother worrying yet). You get to feel out your professors' teaching style, scope out your classmates, and you usually get dismissed early. You can even show up late and use the old "I got lost" excuse!
You can go out on a Tuesday or Wednesday night (even though you have a 9 a.m. the next day), and nobody judges you. In fact, going out and having a good time is encouraged. The bars usually have back-to-school deals, the parties are full of free jungle juice, and rolling into class wearing last night's makeup is not uncommon.
Syllabus week presents the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Were you late to almost every class last semester? Did you stop reading the assigned homework after the first week? Did you procrastinate a little too much? Make this the semester that you resolve to get to class on time, do your homework, pay attention, and snag the perfect seat on the first day.
And still, the best part of Syllabus Week is getting to reunite with all your friends. You're all back from a several week long break, there's nothing to do except catch up and get wine drunk, and nobody bails because they're too busy writing a last minute paper or cramming for an exam!
That being said, get out there! Have a great start to your semester, kick back and relax while you have the chance, and drink some pink moscato. Thank you, 'sylly' week, for being the best.
A Thankful College Student