Oh, Winter Break. You have come at the perfect time this year! We have been waiting for months but you have finally arrived. Thank you for saving us yet again!
Finally.... a time for college students to have nothing to worry about, time for a real break! Time to leave that gross, messy, and smelly dorm. Finally, it's time to get a break from gross cafeteria food. Three weeks at home with family, in a real bed, with real food. AND IT'S ALL FREE!
THANK YOU Winter Break for arriving right before we all die of stress. Right when we don't think we can handle another test, quiz, presentation or project.
THANK YOU Winter Break for arriving just in time of all of us students needing a break from the partying and the lack of sleep. Those late Thursday nights followed by our Friday 8 AM, just because we feared we would miss out. Finally a long break from them!
THANK YOU Winter Break for being a great metaphor for the end of exams, a fresh start is underway and we need it more than ANYTHING! We get to go home with all weight off our back, because the semester is over which means no more homework!
THANK YOU Winter Break for Christmas and New Years. The happiest time of the year, and we have three whole weeks to enjoy it!
THANK YOU Winter Break for great food. No more Ramen Noodles, because we are finally home and in our parents' kitchens. If we are lucky, our parents will even cook for us!
THANK YOU Winter Break, for bringing home our loved ones from schools far away. Time to catch up with those who left us in August to attend out of state colleges. Back to sleepovers in our basements with a lot of movie watching.
THANK YOU Winter Break, for giving us almost an entire month to re-motivate ourselves and build back our confidence in why we attend school in the first place!
... and finally, THANK YOU Winter Break for keeping us SANE! We barely keep our lives together all semester, and right when we think we have reached whit's end, you rescue us.
Not all heroes wear capes... or even come in human form.