Dear President-Elect Trump,
You are now the President-Elect of the United States and a part of me still does not know how to react. During your campaign you have said so many negative, sexist, xenophobic, prejudiced, homophobic things. The list could go on. Your campaign and views are shocking and really brought to light just how much they still exist in this day and age. So thank you for that because now more people are aware and things can begin to change. However, you have brought a lot of fear. It needs to be fixed.
Whether you were really serious about being president or not, you are the president now and those views you stated during your campaign cannot stand. Even if you did not mean them they still had a huge impact. Widespread panic and fear has spread. I have friends and family who are legitimately in fear that they will lose their right to get married, their friends and family will get booted out of the land they call home, that they will be persecuted for their religion and beliefs, or that they will be treated less because of their gender. And what can I say to them?
I would like to reassure them that this will not happen, but the truth is that I have no clue. I personally believe this will not happen that the people in the Senate and House of Representatives will not allow it to happen. I have faith in humanity, but what is my faith worth when the people who I have faith in have not come up and reassured the American people that it will not happen? There needs to be some damage control and it needs to be done fast.
So, please, I ask that you really think about the people who you have belittled and threatened. The military who are the men and women who fight for our country everyday and sacrifice almost everything. The women who have done so much besides just give birth to you, who have fought for freedom, made ground breaking discoveries, have fought for people's rights, and have done so many other amazing things. The LGBQT community who have different sexual preferences but have made ground breaking discoveries, served in our Senate and House of Representatives, served in our military, and more. Honestly, this list could go on to include African Americans, Muslims, the disabled, and Hispanics. All the people you have insulted and belittled make up not only America but the world. Not all of them are who you accuse them to be; they are people and they have rights that should not be threatened to be taken away.
I am waiting to see what kind of president you are going to be, so I am holding judgment because I know there are two sides to every story. All I hope is that you, as the face of America and of her people, lead with honesty, respect, compassion, strength, integrity, patience, wisdom, and peace. I pray that you surround yourself with people who can advise you with the same aspects that I hope you lead.
I pray that you become a great leader for America. I pray.