Dear you,
I want you to know that you can do it. You can do anything you set your mind to. Life is yours for the taking, now go out and dominate it. God gave you life for a reason and it wasn't to just eat, sleep and die.
I know it can be scary but it can also be exciting! An adventure is always waiting for those who are willing to go out and chase it. You just have to be open to change. You also have to be able to fight for what you want. Not everything is easy and sometimes you have to get up and work for it.
Trust me, I know. I didn't want to go to college and didn't even think I could make it but here I am, a semester and a half away from graduating. I am proud of myself for getting up and doing it. I did have help but that is not always bad, sometimes you need a little push and some support.
Need help? Ask for it. There are always resources to be used and found. SO USE THEM. Branch out, ask questions. There are no stupid questions, never feel shy or stupid because if you do you wont go anywhere. You cannot let those things stop you. Do whatever it takes to feel confident and comfortable. Even if that means blaring music that makes you feel good, then do it. Find what makes you shine.
Most of all have faith in yourself. If you can't believe and trust in yourself how do you expect others to?
No matter what stage of life you are in everyone needs to be reminded that they can do whatever they set their minds to. Hard work does pay off. Just think about that next time you feel like quitting.
Now go out and get what you want and don't be afraid of rejection, it's a part of life. Just keep going and don't let anything or anyone stop you.
Good luck and go get it!