You are brave.
You are courageous.
You are strong.
You are fearless.
Perhaps, you don't feel these things, but I can see it.
To choose to love again after you've been hurt is a difficult choice. A choice some people will not make again. A choice that will constantly make you work on yourself, because you'll be insecure and anxious. A choice that will both be thrilling and frightening.
There's a quote that goes like this,
"Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking. Loving might be a mistake but it's worth making." -LeeAnn Womanck
You have made many mistakes. some were harder than others, but look where you are now. You still choose to have life instead of shutting yourself out. You still see the beauty in the world, despite the pain it brought you. I admire you for that.
To your broken broken heart, it will be healed. You might have a scar but it's nothing God can't fix. You might have fears, but it's nothing you can't overcome.
I encourage you to keep loving despite the pain. Love those that hate you. Love those that have hurt you. Most importantly Love those who love you. To love despite the fear of being rejected, of being cheated on, of being not "good enough." because those are all lies.
You are good enough.
Rejection doesn't mean you're not worthy, but they weren't worthy enough to have your love.
It's easy to hate in a world that loves to hate, but it's hard to love.
We live in a broken world that has not found what you have found, beauty from these ashes.
The love you found shines in the darkness and it opens eyes that couldn't see. The love you found burns inside you and can't be extinguished by those that have caused you harm.
Don't let this world let you down, because you have something lots of people are looking for.
So, I beg you over and over again to keep loving.
Love through the pain.
Love just because you can and if you ever need to be loved back, look to God.
After all He is the one who showed us that love can endure forever.
Remember, you are brave, strong, courageous, fearless. Never stop loving.