More often than not, we take for granted the relationships that we've developed through our lives. The people in our lives are people who've molded us into what we've become today, and yet we don't think to even thank them for that. So this letter is dedicated to all those that have come through my life, in any way shape or form. Thank you for doing what you've done to make me who I am.
Dear friend,
Who knew that when you came into my life, you would change my life in the way that you did. You've done so much for me, even though you might not think so.
You've laughed with me. You've watched me laugh so hard that I can't breathe, and it's probably because of my own joke. You've laughed with and at me when I started silent laughing and clapping my hands together like a seal. You've shown me how to find humor in situations that seem to be without it. You've helped me to develop my own sense of humor, and because of that I'll be laughing forever.
You've cried with me. As our relationship grew, we've encountered some interesting and tense experiences. You've seen me cry the ugly tears, the fake tears, and the trying to be strong tears. You cried with me through all of them. Not only did that bring us closer, but it made our trust even stronger.
You've taught me lessons. Whether or not I wanted to learn these lessons is an entirely different story, but you've taught me lessons nonetheless. When I'm struggling, you help me to solve whatever dilemma I face. You've shown me that not everything is fun, but it's got to be finished. You've taught me not to give up and to always stand up for myself. These lessons weren't always the easiest to learn, but I'm glad that you were there to help me through them.
You've helped me to be a better person. I was inspired because of you. I saw the change that you could make in someone's life and wanted to be that change for someone else. You influenced me in ways more than you know, and all for the better. You helped me take the best pieces of me and put them together so that I could be a better me.
These things may seem small, insignificant, and silly, because individually they don't seem like much. Altogether though, they create an incredible bond that is priceless to me. You won't ever know how truly grateful I am for everything you've done. Please know that whether or not you're a part of my life still, I'm truly grateful for the time we spent together.
With love,
The Person You've Created Me to Be.