You have always been cooler than me. Even when I didn't want to admit it, I knew. You got to do things from a younger age, you had better clothes, and I like to think I taught you a few things. We had our fair share of hilarious times together and I can't imagine my life without being your big sister. However, as of right now I am an elderly woman who doesn't know anything about what the "kids are saying" nowadays, but you're always the first one to let me know.
Half the time you'll reference a song or use some lingo that I interpret completely wrong. I feel like the mother in "Mean Girls" sometimes and as embarrassing as that is, I wouldn't have it any other way. I know you're young and this is your time to make mistakes and figure out who you are. But I have some advice that I really hope you'll take.
You are so much smarter than you give yourself credit for. I know high school is awful and most of what you're learning won't matter, but trust me, you're doing fine. I see you in your room doing homework for hours. I shut your light off when you fall asleep studying. Take some time to breathe and relax. The most important lessons you'll learn right now aren't going to be the ones you take notes on.
Try to stop worrying about how you look. I know with social media and celebrities it's easy to get caught up in trying to look like everyone else but you don't have to. Trust me when I say you are just fine. Obviously I'm a little biased because we look alike but seriously you are beautiful. Do what makes you happy. Find confidence in yourself because nothing feels as good as telling yourself you look good. Just look at Beyoncé.
That boy? He doesn't matter. Personally I think he's scum, but you already know what I think. I'd beat him up if you'd let me. And guess what? He is irrelevant to your life. I'm so proud of you for cutting him out and moving on.
One day he's gonna look back and think about how poorly he messed up. And you're going to be long gone killing the game like you are now. Boys will come and go and as they do I'll be here to beat them up as they leave. (Not really though. They'd probably win.)
I'm always gonna be your big sister. Even though people think we're the same age and I’m kinda lame, we’re family. We’ve been through everything together and that isn’t about to change. I know I may seem like a pain sometimes, but all I want is for you to be happy. And I don’t know what I’m doing.
Being your best friend, awesome big sister, is hard when I also want to protect you. You’re going to experience so much in the next few years with turning 18, going to college, and so much more. It’s a whole different world outside our tiny little hometown.
Please try to enjoy your time being young. I know it isn’t always the most fun, but you might as well make the best of it. Don’t try to grow up too fast, especially around me because you’re always going to be my little sister. Thank you for teaching me a few things and try to learn from my mistakes. I love you.
Your Big (Uncool) Sister
P.S. Your Instagram theme is lit.