Dear you:
I've decided to write this letter because all I wanted to do was touch the soft, fluffy fur of your dog and you decided to pull it away. It's been three months and my heart still breaks a little more every time I remember that sunny but chilly afternoon. I was in college at the time and out for a much-needed run. Your dog and I caught each others eyes at the park by the beach and we knew it was destiny; your baby wanted my love and I wanted to pet a dog.
Maybe you were jealous of the way your dog looked at me, I'm still not sure. But I think it's time to address how you made me feel. I know I am a stranger, but believe me...I'm no danger. You see, I live in a world full of psycho girls and thirsty boys, so I turn to dogs for love, support, and comfort. You got that dog for a reason–maybe you screwed up with your other kids, maybe your husband doesn't give you attention, I don't know. I only write this with the hope you'll one day read this and change because you hurt me. Three months later I'm still hurting, you've done your damage to my innocent heart and I don't want anyone else in the world to feel the way I did that day.
Life is short and time is our enemy. So why be rude? Why be selfish? Why not make someones day a little better? Every day you see more hate in the country than love, don't you think that's sad? I mean, you can't change the world or stop this hate, but you can do your part and spread the love. As Bob Marley once said, "One love, one heart. Let's get together and feel all right." It's too late now, I'm no longer around the area, so I must let the pain go. I must recover and love the other dogs in the world and I'm content with this ending.
Look, you don't know my story and I don't know yours, but I hope you'll treat the next person wanting to pet your dog differently.
Yours truly,
The girl who wanted to pet your dog.