I understand it seems like a hassle.
It sometimes feels like an inconvenience driving your child to rehearsals three times every week... And don't get us started on tech week. Affectionately known as Hell Week, tech week is what nightmares are made of - hours upon hours of people you're becoming exhausted of, hearing the same music over and over again... and the avoidance of dairy.
What you don't know is that all the days of late nights, singing in the shower, and hell weeks lead to something bigger and better and more magical than anything your child could have imagined.
So here's to you, theatre mom, choir mom, band. mom. Here's to all of you for encouraging your children towards the arts. Perhaps they will pursue it and perhaps they will settle into a science or math career. However, theatre will permanently be apart of them.
These children will become more loving, more team oriented. They will be well rounded and they will learn things using the same methods they used to learn the music, the lines, and the choreography. They will always have a community of loving friends to help them make wiser choices. They will have an entire finger snapping, jazz hands producing, loud and proud tribe to be there for them when their heart is broken for the first time.
These people will cheer them on when they follow their dreams. Whether their dreams be Opera, Science, Office Management, or writing lists online about "Reasons Your Cat Hates You," you have encouraged your child to do whatever it is they've become determined to achieve. This is all thanks to you being an awesome mom. Kudos to you.
With Love,
A Former Child Actor