Throughout my grade school experience, I had a lot of really amazing teachers. There were a few not so great, but overall, I had the best I could have asked for. There were three teachers, however, that went above and beyond in my life. Not only did they teach me the material, they believed in me and helped me become better than I thought possible and even taught me to learn from my failures. This one is for them.
First, to my favorite theatre teacher.
Mrs. Graff,
Thank you for not only being a teacher, but a friend. You encouraged me through my senior year, even on the days I wanted to give up and you even helped me start theatre at our school. Not only did you help me during school hours, you spent more time with me than you did your own children there for a while! I don't know how you put up with me and Eric when we were sassy and hard-headed, but you managed. Thank you for pouring into me when I thought there was nothing left to learn in high school and for laughing with us (and at us) during our play. You let me talk endlessly about Wicked and use quotes way too much. Thank you for never running out of compassion.
Next goes to my crazy English teacher,
Coach Fischer,
When you first came to our school, I wasn't so sure about you. It didn't help that I was in your first class at our school, and I had you for THREE hours. I thought you were crazy at first, and you made me mad more than once with that red pen. But after a few weeks, I could see a difference in my writing and I saw that you were only pushing me to where you knew I could be, rather than letting me be a lazy writer. Thanks to you, I cannot stand to see a word repeated even though it does happen sometimes, I can write an entire essay in thirty minutes, and I honesty would not be where I am today without you. Because I had you, Fischer, I am going into writing and always know I can get you to read my essays. Thank you for all of the Taylor Swift music, Mean Girls references, birthday weeks, encouraging words, and even for the red pen. I couldn't have done it without you.
Finally, to the teacher that taught me everything else.
Coach Greene,
When I say you taught me everything, you sort of did. I had you for three semesters straight, and you covered everything but STEM classes, even ACT prep! Thank you for asking me to join the crazy students that took APUSH, because I didn't think I could make it through the class. I learned so much abut myself that semester, and I didn't cry first! In Holocaust Studies, you fed my love of learning and made sure to think outside of the classroom. I used Eva's story in my speech competition last week! I am so thankful for you, Greene. You are by far the most difficult teacher I have had, but I also learned more than I thought possible and fell in love with a subject I had learned to hate. When I came to college, I wasn't scared that I wouldn't be able to handle it. You made sure I could because if I could get through APUSH, I could do anything. However, I was worried that no teacher would be able to live up to you. Thank you for encouraging me to do what I am passionate about and for never taking it easy on my education.
I wouldn't be where I am today without all three of you.
Thank you.
Your Student