To the teacher who made an impact on my life,
Going to your class everyday was a comfort to me. I may not have always liked your lesson plan but it was still bittersweet to leave your class. Even after I graduated and went to college and you moved on to better things, you still manage to check in on me and that means a lot.
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I’ve had a lot of great teachers, but none of them were quite as special to me as you. You’ve taught me so much, in both the classroom and in life. I learned what was required by the school board from you but more importantly, I learned who I want to be. Every day you inspired me and helped mold who I am. I am so appreciative of all I have learned from you.
You let me into your life. You saw something in me that other teachers may not have and more importantly, you saw my potential, encouraged me to be the best I could be, and cheered me on in all I did. You treated me like your third child.
You listened to me talk about my love life, friends, and family problems endlessly and never failed to have good advice. You made me feel important when the world was getting too hard and in return, you trusted me with your most personal secrets and I feel honored you put your trust in me.
Seeing how you handled yourself in hard times made me want to be a better person. I look up to you and I want to make a difference in students lives like you did for so many. I want to be the teacher kids run to when they need to get away from their home lives. You are the reason I hope to become a teacher.
I may have been your favorite student (let’s be honest) but you went out of your way for every single student who walked through your door, even the ones who didn’t deserve your kindness. You didn’t have to do that, but that’s just who you are. You see the good in people.
I know it’s easy to get discouraged when students don’t respect you, and the administration doesn’t appreciate you but you never let that affect your teaching.
I don’t know if anyone has ever truly thanked you for all you do. Your job is to stick to the assigned curriculum and grade our papers but in my opinion, that isn’t what makes a teacher. The dedication to seeing your students succeed in all aspects of their lives is what makes good a teacher, and you are the best one I’ve ever had. So on behalf of every student whose life you’ve touched, thank you.
I feel so privileged to have had you as my teacher and one of my best friends. No matter where we go in our lives, you’ll always be one of my biggest inspirations.