Dear Summer,
I was looking forward to you basically since you ended a year ago. Waiting, hoping, wishing time away. I made plans with friends that I hadn’t seen in months, promised time with my sisters, vowed to myself that I would be in the gym daily. I had countless dreams about sleeping in and cuddling with my pets and organizing my room. But here I sit. Three months later. With what feels like virtually nothing accomplished.
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What happened?
First off, it was the first time I’ve worked full time in my entire life. Granted, I know many others who weren’t as lucky as I was with such an opportunity. The job that I took happened to be one that required me to clock in at 6 A.M.
So much for sleeping in.
Many can relate to the feeling of needing to make extra cash aside from a regular job. And – like many others – I turned to babysitting on the side. Which became much more involved in my life than I had ever anticipated. I loved it – don’t get me wrong, but working almost 40 hour weeks coupled with being responsible for kids, dogs, housework, cooking, and working out – well let’s just say, sleep in general got pushed to the side.
Another thing that went by the wayside – and regrettably so – family time. I feel like I want to hug my parents 10 times a day lately to make up for the other 2.5 months that I saw them so little. I know I’ll feel it even more so once I’m back at school.
But they’re understanding people. They know I haven’t had the summer of my dreams. They even know that I would have been much happier spending more time with them – parents know everything. But, the fact of the matter is, I didn’t. And that’s time that I won’t get back.
However, time goes on. And we’ll all have new stresses in the blink of an eye.
So, Summer, thank you for your hot days and late nights, good food, and even better friends. You will be missed. Next time, I hope I can spend you a little differently.
Until then,
The Girl Who Blinked