I get it. I really do. You feel as if your high school is not for you. You feel out of place and you wish for nothing more than to graduate and distance yourself from the school in which you will spend so much time in.
But get this...
I was once in your shoes and it is my biggest regret of my four high school years. I wish with my whole heart that I could go back and change my bitter view on the school that gave me so much to be thankful for. I LOVED my teachers and I had wonderful friends. I was unappreciative and looking back, I am so ashamed of it.
If you could just hear me out, I promise you could learn to love your school for what it is. Maybe it is that you can not seem to find friends. Or maybe there is another school in the area that you would rather go to. But for some reason, fate brought you to your school and you should embrace it. Start going to games, join some clubs and maybe even join a sports team. It is pretty hard to dislike a school you commit so much time to. Things WILL turn around.
The clubs I joined in high school formed me into the person I am today. I would not have experienced this at many of the other schools in my hometown. I am sure there are some opportunities unique to each school, you just have to find them.
If you still don't believe me, I wrote this to you after going to my first football game as an Alumni. I found myself staring at the student section, listening to the cheers I participated in just a few years ago and I wanted to just have one more night in those stands with my senior class. I just want to sit in on one more class with teachers that I miss every time I get stuck with another unreliable, bland college professor. To goof off with my homeroom friends just one more time would be such a blessing.
What I am trying to say is, stop focusing on all the negative things about your school. Chances are, there are twice as many things to love about the four years that you are BLESSED to have. Please don't take it for granted. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for me. When you are sitting on the bleachers across from the student section, you WILL reminisce on all the good memories that you were too blind to appreciate at the time.
A girl who knows how you feel all too well.