To the best friend I lost too soon,
I love you forever. No matter what shoes you chewed or what socks you ate, I love you forever. They say that you're man's best friend and those words could not be truer. There are a few words I never got to say to you and a few thank you's I never had the chance to express.
Thank you for being:
My Cuddle Buddy
No matter if it was below zero or blistering hot, you were always there, snuggled up as close as can be. You made me feel safe, and even though sometimes I seemed mad when you licked my face until I woke up, I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
My Therapist
I could always tell you anything, and you would listen. You were the best secret keeper and I could trust you with the most important gossip! Even when I told you things that made me cry, you'd make sure not a single tear reached my cheek.
My Dance Partner
You always let me toss you around and do whatever I wanted with you. All of those random dance parties we had when my parents weren't home, those were made special thanks to you!
My Motivation
I would never go on a walk by myself. You gave me a self of responsibility. I had to take care of you in the way I may someday care for another person. Feeding you, walking you, taking you to the doctor's if you were sick. All very important life skills I needed to be made aware of.
My Best Friend Until The End
You were present for every moment. We grew together, both physically and mentally. You were my full support system and I thought I would have you forever. One thing nobody ever tells you as a little girl is that one day, you'll lose your best friend and it will be one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. We are constantly taught that there are people in our lives that will come and go. There are people in our lives that will be mean to us or that will leave without warning. We are taught how to cope with the loss of a loved one as we get older, but nobody ever prepares us for the loss of a pet. In all of those sad times of being taunted at school or losing a person I didn't expect to lose, you are the shoulder I cried on. You'd lick away my tears, and somehow, make everything better.
The day I had to say goodbye to you will forever leave a hole in my heart. As I cry writing you this letter, I think of what it would be like to still have you here. You would be getting older now, but it would be better knowing you lived a long, healthy life instead of a short life of suffering that you were never able to tell us about. I would hold you and take advantage of every moment all over again. I would let you sleep on any furniture you wanted and eat anything off my plate at dinner time. Most importantly, I'd make you know how much I loved you, and how much I love you.
Forever Grateful