I'm only 19, and I know I'm at the youngest step of adulthood, and that it's only the start of a journey on the road to understanding what it is to be an adult, but I enjoy that because I know I have time and can make decisions. In the long run, what's worth it if you don't grasp time and enjoy yourself?
I've always said that I can do whatever for the sole fact that I know I can do it. Why? Because I consider myself to be a person who believes in himself, no matter what, and always thought I could reach and succeed at any task just because I'm confident in myself.
I'll explain this...
Why am I confident? I've always had big ambitions and, most of the time, I'm not impressed with what I do because I know I can do way better and obviously it's not the best to think of that, but because I know I can do better, it makes me strive for me and become even more confident.
I guess this all boils down also to my personality, loving what's new and meeting new people every time I have the chance. Basically being a social "lover," loving all contact with people, I can say that makes me feel happy. Yes, you can't really get more cheesy than that, but really being social has made me a confident and ambitious guy.
You know what's the best trait for confident people? They always get talked about at the end, always. People aspire to be like them. Who doesn't want to believe that he can achieve anything in life? That's why I feel proud of myself in saying that I love myself for this reason. Having the mental strength to block any negativity and just keep going forward on what you want to achieve, that's the goal.
Always say you can do it, because in that process, little by little, you probably will achieve and do it. With this, not only will you be more confident, you will be more enthusiastic, more proud
Lastly, the main reason on why I stay confident and ambitious all the time is because I have a goal in life, one main goal behind a lot of other goals. All of the other goals are important too, I have the same importance for all the goals I want and will achieve. You can consider me overconfident and I can definitely say that's true, but I don't mind it and don't think it's actually even such a bad thing because as long as I know I'm reaching my goal and knowing I'm succeeding, and that's what matters.