This is for everyone who loves so strongly that most other people are rendered unable to comprehend the true degree of emotion. For the late night texters, and the pack-an-extra-lunchers. For the wildflower pickers and extra side of fries orderers. The world could use more people like you.
I don’t believe there is such a thing as loving someone too much. It’s more of a question of who in the world is capable of reciprocating the level of love you have to give. Sometimes it may seem like you’ll never find that person. That you’ll be left with copious amounts of love with no one to impart it to. And as you meet more and more people, the less and less hopeful you become. But please don’t give up. Don’t give up on others. And don’t give up on yourself.
You’re worth more than that. Don’t allow yourself to settle for a love that is inferior to that which you have to offer simply because this lack-luster love is easily at your disposal. It’s wasting your time. Focus on yourself instead. However, I say this with hesitation. Don’t lock yourself away from the world. Don’t lose faith. Don’t become bitter. Don’t shut others out. Continue living your life in a way that makes you happy. You don’t need to depend on others for happiness. You’re better than that.
Keep on keeping on. Lead by example. Show others what a rich, deep love means. Open your heart to new opportunities because you never know what or who will walk in. Appreciate every day you are given. Use each one to make your slice of the world a better place.
Don’t expect others to understand. Don’t even expect them to appreciate what you have to offer. Some people don’t have that capacity. Maybe they’ve been turned cold by the rest of the world. Maybe they just won’t ever get it. Don’t get wrapped up in their views. Don’t try to change the type of person someone is. Just because they aren’t like you, doesn’t mean that you don’t fit into each other’s journey. Embrace every moment as a learning experience.
And then one day, when you do find someone who not only understands your type of love, but returns it, you’ll know. You just have to believe. Every person comes into your life for a reason. Don’t refuse what they aim to teach you about the world or about yourself. Take it all in stride.