Sometimes we get into that mood where we seem sad, gloomy, and unmotivated. It feels like a cloud of grey is over you that seems to control your emotions for the day, and maybe even longer. Sometimes this cloud comes in occasionally, hitting you at the most random times. It's these moments where we can't put our fingers on what exactly is bothering us. Maybe it's one thing. Or maybe it's a whole bunch of little things that you now can't say single anything out that's bothering you.
For anyone who is feeling this right now, this one is for you.
Whatever you are going through right now, just know that you're alone. Just think of all the people who may have clicked on this article to read. This shows that you're not the only one going through a rough time. Know that you are never alone because there will always be someone on the sideline to pick you up. All you need to do is speak up. You need to acknowledge the fact that you're not okay and that you need someone to help pick yourself up. You want someone to guide you in picking yourself up. After reading this, can you think of one person? If you did, go speak up!
Life may be really rocky right now for you, but think of the last time you went through something hard that you never imaged yourself to get through. You made it through that, so why can't you make it through this? You can! It's all about mentality. It's okay to be sad, but don't put yourself in bed everyday because of that. Instead, start taking little steps in bettering yourself and your overall life quality. Go to the gym. Go do something that is healthy for your mind. Find a hobby that relaxes you. Find something to do that takes you away from your thoughts and emotions taking over.
Know that whatever you are going through right now will be solved sooner or later. The emotions that are taking over right now will pass through the storm soon. Don't give up. Keep pushing yourself forward as this storm passes. Again, what is sunshine without a storm? I promise, you will be happy again. You will be carefree. You will escape these clouds of emotions. All you need to do is believe in yourself and tell yourself that it will happen. Be patient with yourself and love yourself even more during this time. Do things that make you happy because you deserve to be happy, and the only way that can happen is if you take that very first step in walking towards happiness.
So I guess what I am trying to say is that it is okay to feel how you are now. It is okay to not be able to explain what exactly is bothering you, and it is definitely okay to not be able to express how you feel. Just know that, at the end of the day, it will all be okay.
Let yourself be sad, but get yourself ready to be happy again. You deserve it. The storm will be over if you keep walking.