An Open Letter To The Person I Used To Be | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To The Person I Used To Be

"If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make that change." - Michael Jackson

An Open Letter To The Person I Used To Be
Tom Hussey

As we grow older, we tend to look back on our lives and think of all the things we wish we would have known. We have gained so much wisdom, had so many new experiences, and learned so much over the past few years. Here is a list of all the things I wish someone would have told me as I was growing up--a list that I put into action now and hope others will do the same.

1. Don't Worry

A lot is going to happen to you within the next few years. Many life lessons. Some good, others bad. You'll realize who your real friends are. You'll lose friends. You'll gain friends. You'll form beautiful relationships with people you never thought you'd associate yourself with. Realize, you are who you surround yourself with. I'm also here to tell you that each obstacle you face, you will overcome. You were made an overcomer. Ask yourself this, have you ever actually recalled a situation where (in one way or another) everything hasn't worked out? Exactly. Everything works itself out. Believe that. At the moment, you may feel as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm here to tell you, it only gets brighter. The light may not be the most visible right now, but that light will beam through this tunnel you're in. You are far too young not to believe everything is going to be OK.

2. Be Confident In Who You Are

"You are who you choose to be."

Look at yourself. You're sitting there trying to hide who you really are on the inside. Behind closed doors, you're exactly who you want to be. Behind closed doors, that is. People have spit on you. They have labeled you exactly how they want you to be. It's miserable, isn't it? Being bullied. They have labeled you based on what they "think" they know. Key word here: think. Please, do just that. Think about this. Think about yourself and your worth. Do not let someone else define you. Embrace your individuality, unapologetically. You were not born a copy, but an original. Once you stop caring what others think, I guarantee--you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders and you will never want to go back. You do not need to follow what everyone else does. In fact, I encourage you not to do so. Do what you feel is right. It will benefit you in the long run.

3. Spend Time With Your Family

I know what you're thinking; "Mom, you are so annoying. Why would I do the dishes?" or "Dad, stop asking me how my day at school was." "Please, just give me $10 so I can have money to go to the movies this weekend with friends." Please know how much your parents sacrifice for you. The least you could do is give them a conversation, a smile, a hug. You never know what is going to happen to them, or to you. Their lives are literally revolved around you. Almost everything they are doing right now is directed towards benefiting your future. Do not be so selfish. You're a hormonal teenager, we get it. Be thankful you have dinner on the table. Hug your siblings, hang out with them. Yes, they can be a constant pain in the ass. One day, you'll be off to college. You'll have a job. A life away from home. You will miss these days more than anything and you'll realize you can never get them back. You'll miss the fights you had with your younger brother. Or the constant bickering back and forth with your sister. Another thing, please hug your grandparents. They are complete and total rock stars. Absorb every second with them. Tell them constantly how much you love them and appreciate all they do. They don't last forever. Cherish each moment.

4. Realize That Fear is an Illusion

Remember that one time you were scared to try out for the school play, join the basketball team, go to a summer camp, or ask out the person you've been drooling over? What were you afraid of? Rejection? You were scared so you didn't do it. And, where exactly did it get you? Nowhere. Every time you have an idea that comes to mind, if for one second--you see it benefiting you-- please, take a chance. Do not let fear control your life. You might just miss out on an incredible opportunity. Keep in mind: "FEAR" is False Evidence Appearing Real.

5. Trust in the Lord

This is so important. I advise you to be open with anything. Right now, you're probably going to church because mom and dad are forcing you to go. You get nothing out of it. You feel as if it is a total waste of time. You will go away from your faith and you'll be reeled back in. You'll have many doubts and many questions. Understand it is OK to question your faith from time to time. Realize deeply that the Lord took His time when creating you. His relationship is the most important relationship you need in life. Think of God as love. He is in everything and everyone you may see. Trust that He has your best intentions. You do have a purpose that needs to be fulfilled. He will prove that to you.

6. You're Not Alone

Right now may be the most confusing time in your life, or so you think. You're experiencing many new things, meeting new people, rebelling against what anyone tells you do to and, yet, here you are. You feel alone. You may be surrounding yourself with people who do nothing but pressure you into being someone you're not. The sad thing is, you don't even realize this. Do not be friends with someone because you feel obligated to. If that person does not benefit you or make you a better you, they are not worth your time. At the end of the day, surrounding yourself with people who bring you down will only hurt you and make you feel alone. Be comfortable with your loneliness. There is nothing wrong or conceited about loving yourself.

7. Live In The Moment

It's Monday. You're probably already planning for the weekend. You live for the weekend. All week is nothing but school, work, repeat. Why enjoy that, right? Well, do enjoy that. Be happy you have an education. Be happy you are working for a living and accomplishing something. Wake up each day as if it were your last. You'll find out that tomorrow is not guaranteed. You never know what might happen to you. If today was your last day, what would you do? Ask yourself that question. Live with that question.

"Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now." - Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"

And last but not least, in a not-so-serious note:

8. Never Stop Dancing Like a Fool

In the words of Bob Marley, "Forget your troubles and dance."

Never be afraid to break out into song no matter where you are at. Dance like no one is watching. Having a rough day? Seriously, just dance it out. It relieves so much stress, honestly. You can take the anxiety away from any serious situation by just simply "shaking it out." There is no need to follow the crowd. Be obnoxious. Let the world be your own dance floor.

You are going to be just fine. In fact, you'll be better than fine. This life will give you an abundant amount of blessings. It's not always going to be easy. Remember, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

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