We all see them. The posts on Facebook that claim the right wings are corrupting the world or the left wing is a bunch of nut jobs. No one ever says anything about them and those that try to say something to defend their beliefs becomes persecuted by the social media government trolling the Internet.
Well, I am here to tell you enough is enough. I am tired of seeing people attack their neighbors, friends and family members because what they believe in doesn’t sit within the boundaries of what you believe in.
Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, pro-life or pro-choice, or someone who believes African Americans are still being persecuted because of their race (or even if you believe that is a bunch of bologna) your opinion is your opinion and as long as you have a reason for believing it, I could care less. Yes, that might make me a traitor to the Republican Party or a traitor to the Conservative people (the parties that I identify with the most) I know but, that is how I feel.
So what if their opinion differs from yours? That is part of what makes this country so amazing and unique from others; we are all entitled to our opinions. You cannot tell someone they are wrong because you don’t believe them.
The other day I saw something on Facebook that showed a video of people attacking others because they supported a different presidential candidate than they did. This video upset me greatly. What kind of countrymen are we to persecute and crucify others for a difference in opinion? We are not the country that I grew up in and we are headed down a sad, upsetting and hate-filled road.
Social media is not a place to spread hate against people who you love and care about, it is about sharing your life and your beliefs with these people, not to attack anyone. I understand that you believe so strongly about Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or even Donald Trump that you believe attacking someone physically or online is acceptable. Let me tell you it’s not. No matter how free you think you are; hurting someone to better yourself, to prove your belief is better than theirs or because you don’t agree with them will NEVER be OK.
Donald Trump has his bad points but he also has some good points. Before you tell me that I am a racist; Donald Trump wants to make illegal immigrants leave, not the Mexican family that moved here with all of their paperwork, that now lives next door. He wants the ILLEGAL people to leave.
Bernie Sanders is not all that bad either, he has some good points. For example if he could make school more affordable for us without ruining anything else then go for it! I don’t think it is possible but, hey if you can do it and keep salaries intact, the school up to date and running then fine, I’m all for it.
Hillary Clinton unfortunately I believe she should be in prison for those families she lied to. Face it, if any regular American citizen did something like that they would be in prison for years but, then again this is all my opinion.
A non-political example is, the girl who graduated valedictorian from her school in Austin, Texas and is also an undocumented illegal immigrant. She revealed herself during her speech at graduation and people are losing their minds over this. They say she deserves to go to back to Mexico to an abusive parent or that she deserves to stay here and go to Yale on scholarships. I have an opinion on this but, I won’t attack someone over it because it’s just that an opinion. If you have can’t voice your opinion without verbally attacking someone then you shouldn’t voice it.
The point that I am trying to get across is that you may not agree with someone but, that doesn’t mean to attack them on Facebook or wherever you currently are, it just means your opinions differ for different reasons and you might be able to SHOW them politely why you believe your opinion is the correct one. Face it though, there is no correct opinion, which is exactly why it is called an OPINION not a FACT. I might get a lot of hate for this article but, I guarantee it will make you think about all of those times you were attacked or you attacked someone because of a difference in opinion. Please take my advice; be polite to one another, love your country and keep your opinions.