Many of us woke up Sunday morning much like every other Sunday morning. It was probably peaceful, maybe a little hectic trying to get the kids ready for Sunday school, but nonetheless, average. We poured our orange juice, put bread in the toaster, and turned on the morning news. That’s when the headlines made us aware that it wasn’t a peaceful Sunday for everyone…
50 killed. Another 50 injured. Hostage situation for 3 hours. Worst mass shooting in US history. An act of hatred.
Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We stand with you in support of you. When something this tragic happens to our fellow Americans, we all suffer. You hurt, we hurt. You cry, we cry. There is no way to take away your pain. Please give us some of your burden.
Many will attempt to use this situation for political advances or reformation, but are we, as a country, so vengeful for our own wants and agendas that we overlook the VICTIMS? People are live tweeting 1500 miles away while someone is preparing a funeral. Politicians are “sending up prayers” while a mother is down on her knees begging for life to be brought back into her sons eyes. People are clenching to their guns just as tightly as the man who was holding his leg wound so he wouldn’t bleed out in the street. Amidst all of the chaos and opinions, lives were lost and there is no amount of legislation that will bring them back.
People of Orlando, this is from me to you: I am so beyond sorry. I’m sorry that we’ve failed you. I’m sorry that your lives have been altered so quickly and so greatly. I’m sorry that, despite every ounce of support you have, you’re going to be living in fear for a while. I’m so very sorry.
Times like this require us to come together as a country. Forget what box you check on the voters registration, forget what church you claim, and forget what personal opinions you have, and cry for those we’ve lost. Cry because it affects you. Cry because it can happen to anyone at any time. But most importantly, cry because our fellow brothers and sisters are crying.
In the words of Mr. President Obama, “We will love one another. We will not stand in fear.” We love you Orlando and we will never forget this tragic day. The entire country is standing with you. Lean on us.