To The One Who Annoys Me Most,
There isn't a day that goes by where I don't contemplate throwing something at you simply because you said something absolutely ridiculous. There isn't a night that passes by where I am unable to sleep unless you're lying right next to me as to where I can reach out and caress you if I awake suddenly and need to feel your warmth. There isn't a moment that passes by where I don't wonder how in the world you come up with the most absurd things that escape your mouth. There isn't a second that flies by where I don't find myself looking at you and falling more in love with you than the last.
They say the best relationships blossom from a strong friendship. They also say that when you love someone, you just simply know. There's no rhyme or reason to it. There's no definitive explanation. You just know. We just knew.
We knew that there was no way we could continue on in life without being with one another. Your smile was too contagious and my eyes made you melt whenever you took a look into them. We were best friends who fell in love maybe too quickly but for all of the right reasons. It didn't matter if time was on our side. We had one another and that was all that we needed.
It seemed like a match made in heaven, you and I. The relationship was new. It was fresh. Some may even have said it was puppy love. But we could have cared less. We couldn't bare to spend a minute away from each other. I couldn't get enough of you and you couldn't get enough of me. This was real. So real. I felt a love I never even knew existed. There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong.
Now when you have this mindset, obviously, something will eventually go wrong. It's inevitable. Love isn't perfect. It never is. And anyone who tries to say otherwise is covering up a lot of bullshit. Love challenges you in a way that you never knew you could be pushed. It changes you. But hopefully, it is a for the better.
You gave me back independence that I thought I had lost a long time ago. You showed me that there doesn't always need to be a set plan for everything in life — that it's okay, and sometimes necessary, to just go with the flow. You brought a whole new laughter into my world. And you showed me that my life needs to be lived for me and only me. Thank you.
So needless to say, we haven't had a fairytale love. It may have started out that way, but it definitely went in different directions that neither of us ever saw it going. And that's okay. Because perfection is overrated. And honestly, I don't think it's real love unless there are days that aren't so great. Those are the ones where you realize the strength of your relationship and can truly lean on your love for the strength needed to make things right again. We have done that plenty of times. When the arguments get too intense and we threaten to walk away, it becomes noticeable in an instant that neither one of us could ever do such a thing. We love each other way too much. And that is what is perfect.
And so now we have learned better ways to deal with one another's annoying habits. We go to bed with one another and wake up the next day the very same way. We never miss a moment to say "I love you" and we are forever stealing kisses. There are a lot of uncertainties in life. But you are most definitely not one of them. And now, in about 7 months, we will no longer be boyfriend and girlfriend. We will also be Mommy and Daddy. I know that will bring a whole new set of worries. But I also know I can conquer anything in this world with you by my side. I love you forever and always.
Your Favorite Pain In The Ass