When I was younger, I loved being the oldest child. My younger siblings worshiped the ground I walked on, I was their Queen, and them my subjects. Life was spectacular! I got to experience everything first. I had more say in whatever matter was being discussed, I was the first one to get the best of the hand-me-downs from the cousins, I was the first one to be able to sit in the front seat.
Then, as I got older, I was the first to experience the less glamorous parts of life. I was the first to get my heart broken, the first to get knocked down, the first to struggle with anything. And I had nobody to worship. I was on my own. Sure, my parents tried to help as best they could, but their help could only go so far. After all, times are constantly changing. Things are different from when my parents were my age. They don't get it. I just needed someone to get it.
Sometimes it's hard. Actually, most of the time it's hard. I'm figuring out how to do life, completely on my own. I don't have an older sister to teach me how to flirt, I don't have an older brother to protect me. I have myself, and that thought is pretty scary. But, it's also pretty incredible. We are the trailblazers. We are the ones that our siblings look up to. We are the ones setting examples. That's pretty cool.
So, fellow trailblazers, when you have those moments when you have no idea what the f@*# you're doing, don't give up. Don't let that feeling of helplessness be enough to keep you down. There's no wrong way to figure things out. It's a never-ending learning process. You are making your mark, and carving your path. And you know what? You're doing fine.